Mandarin (Orange) Pink Sorbet (Pink) Pea Pod (Green) Lemon Drop (Yellow)
Marichino (Red) Cappuccino (Brown) Lilac (Purple) Caribbean (Teal)
Please let us know if you have any questions! Enjoy!
Melanie - Scrappy Mel
Tammy - Scrappy Critters
Corri - Bug Lover Cards
Cristina - Crafting with Christina
Joanna - Scrap-Making
Laura - Makin Pretty Things Lauren - Lauren's Creative
Liz - Liz's Paper Loft
Meriah - Two Scraptastic Gals
Sara - Live, Love, Scrap
Trish - Techniques by Trish
Aren't they fabulous!? Stop by and leave them some LOVE. :)
You have until next Monday, Jan 31, to upload your project to the Mr Linky below. Please link the actual project's post not your blog. Here's how to do this - once you have published your post, just click on the post's title and copy the new http code in the address bar. Use this as your HTML link for Mr Linky.
We hope you all have fun with this challenge!
Melanie - http://scrappymel.blogspot.com/
Tammy - http://scrappycritters.blogspot.com/
Momo- http://madebymom.blgospot.com/
Lauren - http://laurenscreative.blogspot.com/
Nicole - http://canadiannickelscrapn.blogspot.com/
Joanna - http://scrap-making.blogspot.com/
Meriah - http://twoscraptasticgals.blogspot.com/
Bonnie - http://www.pinkbonbons.blogspot.com/
Trisha - http://www.techniquesbytrish.blogspot.com/
Lezlye - http://www.lezlyes.blogspot.com/
Laura - http://www.makinprettythings.com/
Christina - http://www.craftingwithcristina.com/
Corri - http://buglvr.blogspot.com/
Liz - http://lizspaperloft.blogspot.com/
Sarah – http://www.liveloveandscrap.blogspot.com/
Tammy - ScrappyCritters.blogspot.com
Meriah - TwoScraptasticGals.blogspot.com
Lauren - LaurensCreative.blogspot.com
Bonnie - PinkBonBons.blogspot.com
Liz - LizsPaperLoft.com
Cristina - CraftingwithCristina.com
Laura - MakinPrettyThings.blogspot.com
Lezlye -
Joanna - Scrap-Making.blogspot.com
Corri - BugLoverCards.blogspot.com
Thank you all so much for joining us for the very 1st Terrific Tuesday Challenge! To play along with us just add your project in Mr Linky below!