Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Designers Choice Birthday Card

I'm a wee bit late showing off the new Designers Choice stamp set.  So yesterday I played with my new Winter Frolic cart and went straight for my Designers Choice set!

I stamped on the inside of the card.  My MIL picked this stamp out for my FIL's birthday on Dec 31st!  Perfect Birthday sentiment:]

For all the details on this card and the cuts click HERE.


1 DH said...

What a cute card! Nice job :-)


2 Liara Covert said...

Love the creative art found on this blog. Invite you to visit Karin Bartimole's art site: http://aviewbeyondwords.blogspot.com/ and also to come visit me, a Canuck transplanted in Oz at Dreambuilders Australia. We love it Down Under, Up over, and wherever the journey takes us.
