Sunday, July 17, 2011

Scrappy Moms is the Sunday Spotlight at FCCB!!

We are so excited to announce that we are the Sunday Spotlight crafters AND sponsoring the "Challenge Me Monday" for this week at Fantabulous Cricut Challenge Blog!

Please stop by to see what their talented Design Team members have created and join in on the weekly challenge!

{{{ HUGS }}}


1 HappyPlaceJen said...

I am so happy for you, Mel and Tammy, that you have been spotlighted on FCCB! I especially enjoyed seeing your photos. Now I know the faces behind the fabulous Scrappy Moms products and projects! :) ~Jen

2 Laurie said...

Congratulations you two!! It's nice to "meet you"! lol How exciting and so happy for you both!!! :)

3 Lezlye said...

Congrats to the both of you! Tammy I was A DOTS/CTMH from 1996 to 2003!

4 Jenscrapstoo said...

That is really cool, lovely to find out more about you!! Congrats!! Cheers Jennie

5 Teresa Kline said...

congrats on the spotlight...hope your weekend is fabby!

enjoy *~*
